
Daily Release Section Released

The daily release section is now released! A new map would be added there everyday,go check it out now! Click here

Information About Site Sections

Home - This is the place where all site announcements would be made

Cheated Set Maps - This section is for set maps that are the same,but have different versions or maps that weren't created by me.

Cheated Dota Maps - Here,you could find all sorts of cheated dota maps from 6.67c and above. This section also includes cheated AI,OMG maps.

Wc3-Hacks - This is a link to the wc3-hacks main site

Arcade - This is the place where you can relax and play your favorite mini games

Daily release - This section would be where I would make daily map releases 

Forum - This is where you would be able to chat,make requests and give some feedbacks (Under Construction)

Whats New? - This would most likely look like the home page of wc3-hacks. It is where I would place information about the site's newest releases. (Under Construction)

more... - This is where the pages that doesn't fit the navbar go

Welcome to Wc3-Hackmaps

Welcome to the opening of wc3-hackmaps! This is an official site extension of wc3-hacks and would now be the only site where I would be relasing maps. All updates,releases,requests and announcements regarding cheated maps would be made here.